01249 750075
Malmesbury Road, Kington St. Michael, Chippenham, Wiltshire

Extra Curriculum

The Library Bus

This visits us once a month on a Thursday. The Library allows staff to order “topic” books and children can take it in turns to visit and choose their own books to read together in the classroom.


External Visitors

During our 'People Who Helps Us' theme we try to organise a range of visitors from different occupations to share with the children their roles and how they help our local community.

Some of the visitors we enjoy meeting include:

  • The Fire Service
  • Police 
  • Army
  • Air Ambulance
  • The Guide Dogs Association 
  • Vets
  • Dental Nurse
  • Paramedics 



Parents Evenings

Our very popular parent’s evenings happen twice a  year, in the Autumn and Summer terms.

This gives you the opportunity to discuss your child’s development with their keyworker.


maybe we can answer some questions?

Copyright © 2025 Lodge Farm Nursery School  |  All Rights Reserved
Malmesbury Road
Kington St. Michael
SN15 5PY

e: info@lodgefarmnurseryschool.co.uk
t: 01249 750075