01249 750075
Malmesbury Road, Kington St. Michael, Chippenham, Wiltshire

Nursery School FAQs

Here we list some of the frequently asked questions you may have, and perhaps some you hadn’t thought of, to help give you all the information you need in making the decision about choosing Lodge Farm Nursery. If you have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • How do I book to view your nursery?  

If you wish to view the Nursery please phone 01249750075, or fill in the form on our contact page.

  • What if my child is ill and cannot attend nursery? 

Please phone or email the Nursery to inform us of any absences. 

  • What happens if my child is taken ill at nursery?

If your child was to fall ill whilst at Nursery, the staff will contact the parents

If we cannot get hold of parents we will use the child's emergency contact provided on registration form.

  • What security measures do you take?

We have a password system in place for all children if an adult unknown to us is collecting.

  • Can we provide for Special Dietary Needs?

Lodge Farm Nursery School is happy to cater for all dietary needs including allergies and intolerances.

  • What will my child eat and drink during the day?

Children are provided with a hot lunch, high tea and morning and afternoon snacks depending on which sessions they attend. Food is prepared daily on site in our Nursery kitchen, we operate a three week rolling menu. 

Milk and water are available throughout the day.

  • Are there opportunities for my child to sleep?

Within the baby room, staff are happy to follow each child's own routine to help maintain home sleep routines, in the other rooms there is opportunity for children to sleep or rest after lunch depending on their individual needs.

Staff are happy to discuss your child's sleep routine during induction sessions.

  • Do I need to provide milk?

Lodge Farm Nursery School is happy to provide all milks including formulas, cow's milk and those for any other dietary needs.

  • What do I need to provide?

During your child's induction we will discuss what you will need to provide as this will vary depending on age but may include:

  • Nappies 
  • Wipes
  • Sun Cream and Hat
  • Wellies
  • Water bottle 
  • What is your child/staff ratio?
  • Under 2 1:3
  • 2-3 1:4
  • 3+ 1:8
  • What do we need to do next after we have had our show around?

If you decide Lodge Farm Nursery School is the right setting for your child we ask that you return the registration form and fee in order to secure your child's place.

  • What are your opening hours?

Lodge Farm Nursery School is open 8AM - 6.00PM

The sessions we provide are:

School Day 8.30AM - 2.30PM

Full day 8.00AM - 6.00PM


  • How can I pay my fees?

Fees are payable monthly by bank transfer, cash or cheque the government Tax Free Childcare Payments.

We accept a range of tax free childcare vouchers (please ask manager for more details)

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Copyright © 2025 Lodge Farm Nursery School  |  All Rights Reserved
Malmesbury Road
Kington St. Michael
SN15 5PY

e: info@lodgefarmnurseryschool.co.uk
t: 01249 750075