01249 750075
Malmesbury Road, Kington St. Michael, Chippenham, Wiltshire

Nursery Class for Preschool

Oaks Classroom

Oaks class is for children aged between 3 years and 4 years.

Oaks is our class for the oldest children in the nursery and is where your child will be well prepared for school. We work in harmony with the “Acorns” children and we often share ideas in the planning of our curriculum.

In 2018 we moved into a new purpose built, state of the art building adjacent to the main nursery building. 

The room has both a tiled and wooden flooring area to allow for a range of play and learning experiences. A range of natural resources, small world and construction toys encourage “open-ended” play and creativity following the children's interests through a mixture of both child-initiated and adult-lead activities. Creative play with sand, water, painting and collage materials are freely available throughout the day in addition to a range of sensory and messy activities planned to enhance their play.

As well as a dedicated outdoor area adjacent to the classroom, we go for regular wellie walks to the Woodland area and to our Forest School sessions, where we can explore our superb outdoor surroundings.

We base our planning around the Early Years Foundation Stage, promoting learning through play and it is flexible to enable staff to include activities suggested by the children themselves or based on their interests.

The staff use 'Blossom' an Online Learning Journal to record and track your child’s learning, This is completed by your child’s Key worker who will carry out observations and take photos and videos of your child learning. This is also a good way for you to be kept informed about what your child has been doing at nursery as all parent's will be given an individual link to set up an account to view their child's journal online or via a phone app.

Staff give verbal feedback at the end of each day regarding how your child has eaten and how the day has gone, encouraging the children to share with their parents what they have enjoyed about their day.

Copyright © 2025 Lodge Farm Nursery School  |  All Rights Reserved
Malmesbury Road
Kington St. Michael
SN15 5PY

e: info@lodgefarmnurseryschool.co.uk
t: 01249 750075